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Anbound Research Team


Under the current pressure of urban life, the construction of railways and planning for new urbanization will be critical for the future development of Malaysia. Under China’s investment environment, we believe that such cooperation only will promote the advantageous measures for Malaysia, but will make the country a model of China’s Belt and Road Initiative regional cooperation.

Chen Gong

Chief Researcher, Anbound Think Tank


In Chen Gong’s opinion, China’s e-commerce sector is undergoing superficial prosperity by adopting an inefficient and unsustainable business model, which is in urgent need of transition.Meanwhile, China’s retail sector may see a resurgence in the years to come, considering the urbanization trend and the country’s aging society.

Bruce Jones

Vice President and Director, Senior Fellow of Brookings Institution

Jonathan D. Pollack

Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center

Brookings Institution

The new U.S. administration has been widely castigated for policy dysfunction, an insurgent view of international alliances and trade, and worrying signals about its approach to core democratic institutions. However, write Bruce Jones and Jonathan Pollack, a very different dynamic has emerged on North Korea policy, arguably the most urgent national security challenge the U.S. administration confronts.

Anbound Research Team


Since the beginning of 2010, in addition to political and economic competitions, Southeast Asia has become a contesting ground for different countries.

Anbound Research Team


For the local government, discovering and encouraging enterprises to face the transition period of innovation and development, and to summarize the successful development experience will be important for the local development. By locating innovative ideas, identifying the elements of innovation and seizing the main innovation body will make it possible for realizing transformation upgrade, and producing truly competitive subjects in the local economic development.

Anbound Research Team


Whether we admit it or not, or if we like it or not, the trend of ruralization of cities has become a reality. In this regard, any simplified understanding will cause grave consequences. Ruralization of cities cannot be avoided, and is worth to be pondered upon.

Anbound Research Team


The over-concentration of the population is accompanied by a series of problems in the Seoul metropolitan area. In response to these problems, Seoul implemented a series of strategies to ease the functions of the city.As a result, Seoul had a negative population growth from 10.6 million in 1990 to 10.2 million in the late 1990s. This article introduces those strategies and explores what we can learn from Seoul’s city function adjustments.

Josiane Gabel

Vice President for Programs, and Executive Director of the Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Global Forecast is an annual collection of essays by CSIS experts focused on the critical issues facing the U.S. and the world in the year ahead.

Wu Shang-su


Alan Chong




Truong Minh Vu



《东盟互联互通总体规划2025》自宣布以来,其支持者一直呼吁和中国的21世纪海上丝绸之路进行合作。东盟港口网络是《规划》的一方面,旨在连接10个东盟国家的47个港口,似乎是中国与东盟之间基础设施合作的一个非常完美的点。 但是,这种伙伴关系带来的地缘政治变化可能会使东盟付出更多代价。

Robert Kagan



美国人倾向于认为国际秩序的根本稳定是理所当然的,但Robert Kagan认为,历史表明世界秩序是会崩溃的。 在如今的阶段,美国必须在为时已晚之前洞察两个崛起国家俄罗斯和中国的野心,而不是被动地接受他们的影响力。 Americans tend to take the fundamental stability of the international order for granted, but history shows that world orders do collapse, writes Robert Kagan. At this stage, the United States must check the assertive, rising powers of Russia and China before it’s too late, rather than accept spheres of influence.

Daniel L. Byman

Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Middle East Policy


和历史上任何候选人不同的是,特朗普挑战了美国的基本外交政策框架和专业知识的价值。作者Daniel L. Byman对特朗普团队入主白宫后可能会实施的外交政策提供了假设和推测。

Bill Hayton

Associate Fellow, Asia Programme


美国不会挑战北京对南海的领土主张,但是双方发生冲突的危险将增大。The US is not challenging Beijing’s island claims in the South China Sea but the risk of confrontation will grow.

Roderic Wye

Associate Fellow, Asia Programme


虽然北京更希望英国留在欧盟,英国的欧盟成员的身份也给中国带来诸多利益,但是英国脱欧不大可能让中国在英国的投资和利益大部分地撤离。Though Beijing favours Remain and sees some benefits in the UK’s membership, a Leave vote is unlikely to lead to an exodus of Chinese investment and interest in Britain.

Dr Wim Muller

Associate Fellow, International Law Programme


法庭的裁决将给中国带来痛苦,但也可能有助于中国进一步融入国际法律秩序。the tribunal’s findings will cause pain in China, but it may also contribute to China’s further integration into the international legal order.

Sonya Sceats

Associate Fellow, International Law


中国在短期内不会取代美国国际法强国的地位,但是如果特朗普改变美国的核心政策,那么也许会给中国带来机会。China will not eclipse the US as an international law powerhouse anytime soon, but if Trump’s campaign rhetoric is translated into US policy, the tables may begin to turn.
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